Fully catered for Travel
How is traveling by bus going during the corona crisis?
Are you traveling by bus? We ask you to get in the back. The front door remains closed. With posters on the door we refer you to the back.
Due to the guidelines of the RIVM (national institute for Health and Envirtonment in the Netherlands), we currently have fewer staff and fewer travelers. The social importance of (public) transport is great.
We try and want to serve our travelers as long as possible. Finally, we also transport many travelers who work in vital sectors on a daily basis. It is especially important now, that these employees can work.
At the moment, RIVM advises to follow the standard measures that apply to all viruses that can cause flu and colds. This means:
- wash your hands regularly;
- cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow;
- use paper tissues;
- no shaking hands and
- keep 1,5 meters between each other where possible.
Would you like to rent a bus or would you like more information about how we can support you with our services in the future?